These are the best free self learning bootcamps available
These are the best free certificates
- Learn at your own pace
- FreeCodeCamp
- A proven path to your first software developer job. If you are new to programming, we recommend you start at the beginning and earn these certifications in order.
- Grow with Google
- Professional training with no prior experience necessary
- FreeCodeCamp
- Structured programs where you pay part of your salary after you get a job
- Bloomtech
- An intensive, 6-month online web developer course to prepare you for a successful career in web development
- HackReactor
- Full time 12 week full stack development course
- General Assembly
- Full stack online coding bootcamp
- Bloomtech
- Structured programs where you pay up front
These are the best free certificates
- If you want to expand the certification section of your résumé or LinkedIn profile, I've got good news for you. freeCodeCamp just published a collection of more than 1,000 developer certs that you can earn from big tech companies and prestigious universities. All of these are self-paced and freely available. You just have to put in the effort. (full browsable list):