# What is an API?
- https://medium.com/@perrysetgo/what-exactly-is-an-api-69f36968a41f
- https://www.howtogeek.com/343877/what-is-an-api/
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-an-api-in-english-please-b880a3214a82/
- When I was first learning to code, I had trouble understanding exactly what an API is. But I came to understand that, in its simplest form, an API is like a website. But instead of sending HTML to a browser or mobile app, an API sends data. Usually JSON data. This in-depth freeCodeCamp course is taught by experienced developer and instructor Craig Dennis. It will teach you how to code your own REST API – complete with server-side code, client-side data fetching, and more. (3 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/apis-for-beginners
# If you don't know JavaScript, checkout the JavaScript tutorials first
# Getting started with Node
Start by downloading and installing the latest stable version Node.js on your machine (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
## Node Tutorials
- https://nodeschool.io/#workshoppers
- http://stackabuse.com/learn-node-js-a-beginners-guide/
- https://node.university/courses
- http://noeticforce.com/best-nodejs-tutorial-with-examples
- Node Hero - Getting started with Node.js Tutorial
- Designing a clean REST API with Node.js (Express + Mongo)
- Using Clean Architecture for Microservice APIs in Node.js with MongoDB and Express
- MongoDB Tutorial - CRUD app from scratch using Node.js
- This course taught by legendary freeCodeCamp teacher John Smilga will walk you through building four Node.js and Express.js projects. You'll build your own task manager, ecommerce API, login dashboard using JWT, and finally your own job board API. These projects will give you a sound foundation in API design and back end JavaScript web development. (10 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/build-six-node-js-and-express-js/
- Learn how to implement your own secure sign-in for your web development projects using JavaScript, Node.js, and the Passport.js library. You'll learn about HTTP headers, cookies, public key cryptography, and JSON Web Tokens. (6 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-to-implement-user-authentication-in-node-apps-using-passport-js/
- The Express and Node.js Handbook. This Full Stack JavaScript book will come in handy when you're coding your next web app. You'll learn about JSON API requests, middleware, cookies, routing, static assets, sanitizing, and more. You can read the entire book freely in your browser, and bookmark it for handy reference. (full-length book): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-express-handbook/
- Serverless Architecture is a popular approach toward building apps in 2024. Despite the name, there are still servers in a data center somewhere. This isn't magic. But the tools abstract the servers away for you. In this intermediate JavaScript course, Software Engineer Justin Mitchel will teach you how to take a simple Node.js app and run it on AWS Lambda with a serverless Postgres database. He'll even show you how to automate deployment using GitHub Actions and Vercel. (4 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/serverless-node-js-tutorial/
## Postman
- Postman is a powerful tool for testing APIs. This course will teach you how to install it and use it to inspect query parameters, path variables, and other parts of an HTTP response. (2 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-how-to-use-postman-to-test-apis/
## Tutorials related to Postgres(similar to MySQL but with more features)
- Complete tutorial for students PERN Todo Tutorial (PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node.js) with iOS App (https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-the-pern-stack-full-course/)
- Getting Started with Node, Express and Postgres Using Sequelize (https://scotch.io/tutorials/getting-started-with-node-express-and-postgres-using-sequelize)
- Node, Postgres, and Sequelize (https://mherman.org/blog/node-postgres-sequelize/)
- An Introduction to Sequelize.Js (https://milinaudara.wordpress.com/2014/05/24/an-introduction-to-sequelize-js/)
## Tutorials on authentication
## Tutorial on how to setup your API
- Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs)
- Setup a public URL for your API (https://ngrok.com/)
## Top Paid Courses
- The Complete Node.js Developer Course (https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-nodejs-developer-course-2/)
- https://learnnode.com/
## Prisma
- https://www.prisma.io/
- Build a Backend with Prisma in a TypeScript Node Project (https://egghead.io/courses/build-a-backend-with-prisma-in-a-typescript-node-project-ca6628d3)
## NestJS
- Learn NestJS by building your own bookmark API. This full stack JavaScript course will show you how to build a scalable back-end using NestJS, along with Postgres, Docker, Passport.js, and other popular tools. (4 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-nestjs-by-building-a-crud-api/
## Publics APIs available for use